+91 98201 49541
4, Palm View, Sarojini Road, Santacruz (W), Mumbai, India.

Basic Starter Kit

Specac provide a number of sampling kits for FT-IR spectroscopy. These off-the-shelf kits are composed of different combinations of infrared sampling accessories to equip a laboratory with the necessary spectroscopic accessories for specific or varied sample analysis.

Basic Starter Kit consists of :

  1. Liquid Pack
  2. Basic Solid Pack

Liquid Pack (Contents):

  1. Luer Syringe 2ml
  2. Omni-Cell™ assembly
  3. KBr windows (pair) for liquids
  4. CaF2 windows (pair) for liquids
  5. KBr windows (pair) for Mulls
  6. 10 off assorted PTFE Liquid Cell spacers
  7. 5 off PTFE 0.1mm Mull Cell spacers
  8. Bottle of Nujol (25ml)
  9. Bottle of Fluorolube (25ml)

Advanced Solid Pack (Contents):

  1. 15T Manual Hydraulic Press
  2. Pestle and Mortar
  3. KBr Powder (50g)
  4. 13mm Disc Holder with rectangular mount
  5. 13mm Evacuable Pellet Die